Weddings have drastically changed, especially regarding paying for the wedding; who pays for what?

Do the bride’s parents pay, the groom, or the happy couple themselves? 

Traditionally, the bride’s parents are the ones who usually pay for the majority of the wedding.

However, there is no rule for weddings and who pays for what. 

Let’s get down to where to start wedding planning and figure out who should pay for what in the wedding. 

How much does a wedding cost? 

First, let’s understand the average cost of weddings in 2021 leading up to 2022. 

“The average wedding costs add up to an estimated total of around $22,500 for 2021 from Business Insider. “

The Ultimate Guide To Pay For A Wedding – How Much Does Wedding Cost?

Modern couples have been taking up their savings to create the weddings they genuinely want. 

Is it fair to expect the bride’s family to foot the majority of the bill?

Wedding costs can add up quickly, and working together with all parties involved is crucial to creating that wedding vision. 

Building a wedding budget will be the most significant aid to understanding where to go next with wedding planning. 

Why Paying For Your Own Wedding May Be the Best Idea 

Wedding traditions vary from culture to culture, but I suggest paying for your wedding entirely yourself to remain in control of your wedding vision. 

Modern couples who have allocated and saved up towards their wedding budget are best positioned to start wedding planning. 

When I decided to get married, everything was happening so fast; as a couple, we got pregnant early into the relationship and decided to get married before my son was born. 

Keeping in mind that neither of us was expecting to get married, we barely had any money to pay our student loans. 

The bride’s family didn’t have any funds to offer towards a wedding at this Time either. 

Wedding Planning 3 months Time Span

Regardless of the financial situation, the bride was eager to plan a small park wedding in 3 months to fit into the wedding dress she always dreamed of before getting too big from the pregnancy. 

We secured a small park venue and planned a reception in the backyard of a family member’s home. 

However, the groom’s parents insisted on paying for the venue and put a downpayment of 15,000 USD on a wedding venue we did not see. 

At the Time, the stress in preparing for a new baby, between jobs, and getting married made us agree to disagree on certain aspects of our wedding vision.

Looking back at it, it was a mistake. 

We should have paid for our wedding like initially planned.  

Control Your Wedding with Who Pays for What

When we accepted the downpayment for the wedding venue, we gave up partial control of our wedding.  

The wedding date had to change, the wedding dress had to change due to the bride getting bigger from pregnancy, and the wedding grew from 50 to 200 guests. 

Whoever is funding the wedding tends to be the one who can control where the money is sent for wedding decisions, especially without the presence of a wedding planner. 

What does the wedding planner do? 

In this situation, serve as a third party who can mediate and favor the couple more than the parent’s wishes. 

Just the tips from a wedding planner alone can make it easier to towards all aspects of wedding planning. 

Create Your Wedding Budget 

Creating a wedding budget will help you know exactly how much you will need for your big-ticket items. 

Through your budget, you can then reach out to family and friends looking to contribute to the wedding by asking them to contribute to the cost of the wedding budget specifically. 

That way, when the event rolls around, the wedding budget will break down the wedding; who pays for what?

How to create wedding budget

Whatever your starting number for your overall wedding budget, you must think about what’s for us the couple and what’s for them our guests at our wedding celebration.” 

What is the Budget for a Wedding? Wedding Budget Breakdown

Read more at What is the Budget for a Wedding? Wedding Budget Breakdown


There are no rules for who pays for what in the wedding. 

The best advice would be to hire a third party outside the family to help keep a level playing environment.   

A wedding planner will serve as your tool to execute your vision with minimal family intervention within the planning process. 

Meet with a planner ASAP, and let us start talking about creating that wedding budget now!

Book a complimentary consultation today!

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